Tips on Making Your Home Storm-Proof


Weather is unpredictable, and (still) no one can control or even predict it completely. That’s especially the case when extreme weather conditions are constantly rising. Whether it’s a hurricane or a tornado, heavy rains, or windstorms of different levels, various kinds of natural disasters can lead to serious consequences.

As experts from Paradise Exteriors explain, if you live in an area with frequent storms, storm-proofing is vital when it comes to keeping your home safe. We’re here with you to fortify your house. We’ll list everything you can do, from evaluating your home’s weaknesses to preventing water penetration, to avoid harsh consequences. These measures can help you have peace of mind and make your house prepared for elements of all kinds.

To make your home resistant to heavy rainfall and winds, it’s crucial to identify its weak spots. For starters, take a look at its structure and foundation to detect areas that might need a quick fix or strengthening. Ensure you go the extra mile in places usually affected by elements like windows, doors, and the roof.

Once you find possible vulnerabilities in your house, you can work on them. Also, it’s recommended to get a professional opinion. The expert can assess your living space in more detail and offer options that may not have crossed your mind.

Knowing your home’s weaknesses is a necessary step if you want to develop a storm-proofing strategy. The wise idea is to do a home inspection once or twice a year. This way, you’ll assess the prevailing conditions and what it takes to guard your house and secure your family against storms.

Work on Your Windows

As said, the most affected parts of your house during storms are windows and doors. To strengthen them, you can invest in storm shutters or impact-resistant windows. There are specific glasses made to hold up against powerful gusts and heavy rainfall, making them less prone to breaking.

The same goes for doors. They have to be solid with strong frames have to be strong. In tornado and hurricane-prone areas, it’s advisable to upgrade the doors to those specially constructed to last through storms.


A cheaper but also effective method is to use weather strips in the windows and doors. It’s a simple trick and an excellent way to prevent water from entering your house and causing internal damage. In the same regard, you can also use bolts or braces on your double doors to give them extra strength.

Take Care of the Roof

A roof is the top of your house, and it’s way more than just an aesthetical detail. Its primary purpose is protection and, speaking of that, it’s one of the first defense lines against storms. So, it must be properly anchored to the house frame to prevent it from coming loose and becoming a hazard. Adding hurricane straps or clips provides better roof stability in storm situations.

It’s also important to install roofing materials that are impact-resistant. Metal or simply asphalt shingles improve the roofing’s ability to withstand various elements. Always take care of the roof’s current condition – if shingles are damaged or look loose, fix or replace them before water leaks and other negative consequences appear.


Also, it’s wise to have a few branches cut that are overhanging your roof in a bid to prevent them from falling over your roof, especially during a storm. When you do all these beforehand, you minimize the risk of storms damaging your house and protect your property and loved ones during such disasters.

Protect Against Flooding

Flooding is most likely to result from strong storms, and that’s why it’s important to protect your house against water damage. You can buy sump pumps and put them in the basement or crawl spaces to prevent water accumulation. Make sure these pumps are properly looked after and working adequately with a power backup in case of outages.

Securing an additional power source like a generator is highly recommended. You’ll need it since power outages (here’s the buying guide) are common during heavy storms. This way, you’ll still have lights and keep your essential systems and appliances up and running.

Another important addition to your home safety is back-flow valves. They can be a lifesaver in case of sewage blockages during rainy seasons, as they keep the water from coming back to your house. During severe weather alerts, use flood barriers or sandbags around your property to provide a temporary shield against rising water.

It’s a good idea to lift all critical utilities, appliances, and structures like water heaters, electrical panels, and HVAC systems above prospective flood levels. Closing up any cracks or holes in the foundation and walls can keep water away, at least for a while. All this can help you avoid or reduce the drastic impacts of floods.

Secure Outdoor Items

This is the final step in ensuring your property is storm-safe when the elements ravage your outdoor features. You might not think of that, but everything from your yard, from garden furniture to items from your kids’ playground, can become a dangerous projectile during high winds. So just in case, secure all outdoor with straps or anchors and tie them to ensure they don’t get lifted up during storms.


As for lightweight items like garden tools, toys, and decorations on the lawn, take them inside a garage or shed before the onset of a storm. As for plants, think upfront and opt for greenery with long root systems because these structures may not be easily pulled out by stormy winds. Also, prune trees regularly, remove all dry branches, and remove trunks that seem dead or unhealthy to keep them from falling on properties.

Prevention is always a better solution than treating consequences. When it comes to storms, detecting the weak spots, solving them, and taking steps to prevent your home from flood is what you can do for your own good and that of your family.